Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!

Or belated Happy New Year. As tradition dictates, we spent January 31st at home, cuddling and giving The Boy a bath before bedtime. Born out of necessity/timing The Boy's first NYE, we bathed him last NYE(and took pictures) because it was what we had done the previous year. We did the same this year, but this year was tinged with a palpable bittersweetness - there's only another year or 2 left of this funny little tradition, and that breaks my heart.

Anyways, here's what this year's NYE bath time looked like:


  1. A quiet new years is so nice. I can hardly remember why waking up all hungover on new years say was worth it.

  2. I'm also all for a quiet new years. Though the year the hubs and I were dating, we had a "naughty" new year. Nuff said.
