Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I'm an only child. I grew up socially maladjusted and lonely, and though I never yearned for a sibling I'd be lying if there wasn't a part of me that thought my childhood would have been easier if I'd had a brother or sister.
It was because I never felt strongly about having a sibling myself that I didn't immediately feel the need to have a second child after I had The Boy. I'm sooooo glad the urge to have a second grew on me, not just for the sake of having The Little Boy in my life, but because I've not only got two little boys to call my own but I also get to watch them be brothers to each other. Even now, when they're wee, it's really special watching them together.


  1. it doesn't hurt that they're both SOOOO stinkin adorable! what fun they must be! :)

  2. They are pretty darn cute. And usually fun too!
