Monday, November 22, 2010

Technology is not my friend

I'm posting this from Hubs' laptop as my laptop can only be used on rare occasions - the reason for this requires a long, stupid explanation involving lameness of my laptop and ingenuity/misbehavior of my son.

Unfortunately Hubs' love of Linux make uploading pictures from his laptop nearly impossible, and the requirements of some strange new updates to my laptop so that I can easily download pics from my camera to MY laptop require technical ability beyond my meagre skills.

So, to sumarize; Hub's laptop has pictures downloaded from my camera but I can't upload them to this stupid blog, and my laptop allows me to upload pics but I can't download pics from my camera because I'm too stupid to figure out how to get the updates that will allow for me to perform said downloads.


Monday, November 8, 2010

I'm not vain, I'm fat!

It's time to get back to Foodie Fridays. The cause of this realization was the gargantuan number of photos taken of myself during a recent visit by my in-laws, and the sad realization that I almost look more pregnant than I did when I was pregnant.

Seriously. My belly is huge. My arms are bigger than they used to be and my legs are still reasonably small, but my mid drift... it's shameful. And embarrassing.

Sadly, I can do very little exercise because of my MS. I really, really need to get back to riding the stationary bike every now and again. No excuses, but timing's an issue with The Boy. And speaking of The Boy, I tried to do some crunches today but he laid on me. Every time I tried!!!

So, in lieu of being an exercise superstar I need to try yet again to do better with my eating. A very tricky endeavour with the Holidays coming up. Soooo... maybe I can find some way to find the time to get my crippled ass onto the bike for some spinning and onto the floor for some crunches, stretches and a bit of yoga. Maybe if wake up earlier? Maybe. We'll see.