Friday, December 9, 2011

Road Trip - Part 2

The first night of the 3 of us sleeping in a king sized bed didn't go super well. We bed-shared until The Boy was 6 or 7 months old, but since then we've only all been in bed together for bedtime stories or morning cuddles. You'd think that with the vast expanses of real estate provided by a king sized bed that we'd have plenty of room, but the writhing, rotating and kicking of The Boy made it feel like we might as well have been in a twin.

Still, we woke up slightly bleary-eyed on Monday yet excited to start the day. The reason for our trip was so my mom and I could participate in a MS genetics study so we met Mom and my step-dad at the Ferry Building for breakfast before heading up to UCSF

We didn't have time to check out the shops in the Ferry Building(which resembled an aircraft hangar when I used to pass through there on my commute to Oakland 10 years ago), but The Boy did get the chance to run around in front for a few minutes.

After handing in our questionnaires and several viles of blood, we went to Union Square to look at the Christmas decorations and grab some lunch.

See the gate to Chinatown in the background?

We sent Mom and Step-dad back to their hotel while we wandered through the Financial District with me boring my boys by pointing out every building I worked in back in the day - there were many.

Then we stopped by Gumps to get The Boy a special Christmas ornament to commemorate his first trip to San Francisco before heading back to the hotel for nap time.

Then we had dinner in the Marina and contemplated what it would be like to be living in San Francisco - or at least the Bay Area - again.
mmmm... bread

1 comment:

  1. sleeping aside, sounds like a great trip! looks lovely, too. i've only ever been to CA once- the San Diego area...
