Tuesday, October 16, 2012

It Smells Like Fall

Where we live that doesn't mean the air smells of dead leaves or burned wood, not yet anyway. But the other morning, when The Little Boy woke us at 5:30 am for a diaper change and some food, I definitely felt a chill in the air. And along with the chill there was, something... a freshness. I could smell the clean linens on our bed instead of what we had for dinner the previous night. The air was crisp, not dense and heavy like summer air.

Other changes are happening too. The Boy wore socks for the first time since May. They're new socks I just bought him, size 3's that are already too small. He's also been wearing jeans and long sleeved tees to school Then there's The Little Boy wearing his first All-In-One, or whatever it's called, which was weirdly bittersweet because it was the first time his arms and legs were covered.

The weather may be listing back towards summer warmth today, but at least Fall is on the way. Our blanket is folded across the bottom of our bed(much to Cat's delight), my requisite hoarding of Trader Joe's pumpkin-flavored stuff commenced on Sunday and I roasted a chicken for dinner. So though we may have to wait until just before Christmas for The Boy to jump in piles of fallen leaves, our warm Southern Californian Autumn has finally made a half-assed start. Hurrah!

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