Monday, October 15, 2012

Things That Make Me Happy - The Boyless Edition

1. Sitting down in a cafe, taking my first sip of coffee then opening a book or putting pen to paper, or finger to keyboard as it were. Whether doing this at one of my local cafes that I've been to a million times or at a new cafe in a new city, doing this is like meditation for me.

2. Travel. I love it. It consumed most of my pre-Hubs life and much of my early Hubs life, but it remains one of my great loves. I put a giant map of the world up in The Boy's room and discuss the details of his inflatable globe with him. I want my boys to love travel, and if they don't love it I at least want them to appreciate what it has meant to me.
Check me out - Florence, circa 1997

3. Having time to take a shower, shave my legs properly and put lotion on, pedicures, getting my hair done. Proper maintenanceis something I've always taken for granted, but now I consider it a major victory if I get out of the shower with clean hair and thoroughly shaved legs or, indeed, if I've showered at all.

4. Food and drink. Along with coffee, a really good cocktail or glass of red wine, a great bowl of pasta or saucy French dish, buttery pastries or chocolatey desserts aaallll make me very, very happy.

5. Weather cool enough to wear a sweater and a scarf. My newest is this one from Kirna Zabete for Target. I got to wear it once last week when I took The Boy to school.
 We had weather like that here for three whole days! But now it's back to being hot.

6. An amazing dinner out with Hubs. This hardly ever happens anymore, but I have a birthday coming up so fingers crossed we get one soon.

7. Laughing so hard I cry. This hardly ever happens anymore either. And this is actually way sadder than it having been forever since enjoying a nice meal without the babes.

8. Wearing something I know I look good in. Again, this rarely happens. I've grown so accustomed to my jeans, black tee and Chucks uniform that I've convinced myself I look decent in it, but I really don't... especially in a nursing bra.

9. Writing a really good sentence. Happens most when I have a chance to cogitate over a hot cup of coffee at a great cafe. I need to make that happen again sooner rather than later.

10. Reading a really good book. Woohoo! This does happen. It may take me forever to get through a book now, but I am reading some good books now. Dominic Lieven and Hari Kunzru make for awesome history and brain candy! See my Good Reads widget to the right.

This is a Monday Listicle. Here is the link to the site that originated it.

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