I stopped breastfeeding The Boy today. We officially stopped last night at bed time, but sneaked in one last session this morning. I cried both last night and this morning, The Boy has been crying on and off this afternoon as he fights sleepiness and asks for "Bop," but we haven't given in. The Hubs not working has helped distract The Boy with play and piggyback rides, but I'm still proud of myself for not giving into sad little sleepy pleas and tugs on my shirt.
To be fair, this is a medically imposed weaning. I started MS treatment this morning - tentative yay - and, I guess, it's time for The Boy to stop depending so much on the boob for sleep and comfort. And it's hard to believe that something I went into with the best of intentions but an utter lack of planning has lasted so long. I mean, a year and a half ago, right before my baby was born, I thought that I'd give nursing a try and, if it didn't work out, happily turn to formula. I assumed that, were we successful, that I'd nurse him for 6 months... at the outside. I never, ever imagined we'd make it this long. And I never thought I would be so sad to give it up.
I'm sure I will be ruminating on this milestone for some time, but I thought I needed to mark today, on today.
And so, with 17 months and 1(2) day of breast feeding behind us I offer a hearty whole milk toast to my little buddy, my little boobie monster, my little love. I'm so proud of us! Now let's work o getting you to sleep without the boob!
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