In lieu of writing to catch up on the last month or so, I will instead focus on yesterday.
Yesterday was the kind of day that even the most even-tempered, and able-bodied, mom's find exhausting, infuriating and leaving them in need of a stiff drink.
It started out normal enough. The Boy woke up smiling and happy, eager to be bundled up to head out for our daily meeting at the cafe with Grandpa. The Boy eats toast then goes on a long walk with Grandpa, leaving me to drink my coffee, text and behave like a college student. Or high school student. Whatever.
Anyway, we returned home, The Boy napped and then... And then.
Mid-afternoon brought about something that can only be described as a toddler hurricane, or early-onset Terrible Twos. It was horrific. Moving our heavy dining room chairs everywhere so he could use them as ladders to the table, television and china cabinet. Forcing his way into the cupboard with all the wires and cables for our various electronics and, just as I'd stop him from doing that, running over to pull the cushions off the sofa and access the cable for my laptop – yes, the outlet is covered and childproofed, but I have yet to learn how to childproof the wire and laptop itself.
It all would have been enough to drive me absolutely batty were it not for the fact that, as I sat on the floor hunched over and broken, The Boy came up to me and said, “hi.” And then he kissed me. Whether it was because he saw me sad or he was learning the fine art of using his cuteness to manipulate me, I don't care!
So now I see the my kid, despite all of his exhausting toddlerishness and bad behavior, has learned that kisses make everything better.
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