Friday, November 4, 2011

Possibly Un-Publishable Confession

It just occurred to me how badly I really want another baby - like, not just that we'll try(which we sort of are) and I would love for The Boy to have a sibling(which I really do), but I really want a baby!

And this picture is the embarrassing reason why.

I mean, look at him. Those cheeks. The little smile. The PJ's! Last night I put The Boy into footed PJ's for the first time this year, but he's about a foot too tall for that to be be acceptable going out into public attire.

Maybe it's just because The Boy now uses complete sentences like "I'm a big boy," and "I want to brush my own teeth," that I'm really mourning him being a baby and want another one. I don't know, but oof... my ovaries.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way, H. I want a new baby in my arms so badly - those birdy legs and soft, tiny head. The way a baby smells and wants to snuggle next to you. Ugh.
