Monday, November 21, 2011


1. I am thankful for my family - Hubs, The Boy and the fuzzy-bellied cat provide way more love than I ever thought I would have deserved.

2. Trader Joe's - Candy Cane Jo Joes, Cranberry Orange Relish, various seasonal frozen dishes. Trader Joe's is surely the greatest grocery store eva!

3. Health. Besides having a degenerative disease I am actually quite healthy, as is the rest of my family... even my meat loving, vegetable hating, exercise avoiding, chain smoking, 71 year old dad.

4. Friends. I might not have many anymore, but the ones I have are golden.

5. Solvency(touch wood) - Though far from wealthy, I thank my lucky stars everyday that we're comfortable, that we are debt-free, that Hubs has a job. So many people are struggling financially that I recognize just how lucky we are.

6. Casserole season - Sweet potato, green bean, dressing, my Aunt Pet's creamed corn - 'tis the season for unhealthy fair baked until bubbly.

7. Footed PJ's - One of the cutest things about having small child.

8. Online shopping - Seriously, as I haul ass through my holiday shopping I have to give Amazon, and a shout-out. I'm 99% done with my shopping and 5% done with my wrapping because I can easily peruse stuff on my trusted lappie while The Boy naps as opposed to dragging him around a mall or losing my mind on Black Friday.

9. Cardigans and fuzzy socks - tis the season to bundle up.

10. Organization - For the first time ever I splurged on a $20 plastic gift supplies box and it makes wrapping so much easier... and cheaper. Once I had all my wrapping supplies in one location I realized I won't have to buy new paper, tape, ribbon, tags or Christmas cards until The Boy starts high school. Awesome!

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