Thursday, November 1, 2012


Yesterday was Halloween and it was kind of meh. The Boy picked out his costume himself this year, he went as a train engineer; practiced saying 'trick or treat,' though he said it as 'trick or treat, candy!'; and we had planned for him to do lots of trick or treating.

The trick or treating part was only partially successful. First, we were going to take him to the big shindig in our town on Saturday where the kiddos can trick or treat at all the businesses. Sadly, I was struck down with food poisoning so it was left to Hubs. All he did was walk The Boy through the crowds, take a picture on a street corner and call it a day. Hmph.

So yesterday we dressed him up again to go to school.

And sent him on his way. His awesome preschool was taking all the kids trick or treating nearby. We had to sign his first ever permission slip, I'm a dork so found this very exciting, and transfer his car seat to the car that would be taking him, because of that I stayed home with the baby. I sent Hubs off with instructions to take lots of pictures of The Boy playing with his little buddies, all of them dressed up and anxious to show off their costumes.
Instead I got one picture of The Boy standing by the gate.
Again, hmph.
'No worries,' I told myself, 'we've still got trick or treating to do tonight.' But then The Boy fought his nap until after 5pm and slept right through prime trick or treating time.
Sooooo... that was it. Not good, not bad, just meh. But we do have candy, lots and lots of candy, to get through. 


  1. Ah, bummer! At least you have candy :)

  2. he's ADORABLE as a train engineer and a few pics is better than none. :) and then there's the candy. ;)
