Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Weekend cuteness

In keeping with my New Year’s Resolution of us all getting out to the big city at least once a month, Hubs, The Boy and I went to Santa Monica this past weekend. We were foiled in our attempt to visit the aquarium by a private party but enjoyed a nice walk on the pier and a proper pub meal at the King’s Head.

Here's a wriggly boy and I looking out at the sea and the pier.

Then we braved the crowds and shoved our way onto the pier and got this shot of The Boy, pointing the wrong way to the Pacific.

What this photo lacks in scope or technical merit it more than makes up for in emotional importance. See, my dad used to play chess on the Santa Monica Pier when I was just a wee one and, though it’s a crowded tourist trap now, I hope The Boy can one day play chess with his granddad there just like I used to.

What can I say? I tend to wax nostalgic frequently.

Then after the pier, our failed attempt to visit the aquarium and an awesome pub lunch - including The Boy's first ever "child's meal" ordered just for him - we took a walk along Third Street Promenade...

...before climbing into the car with a sleepy toddler who slept the whole way home.


  1. Hey, your hair is growing out! It looks nice!

  2. Thank youuuu! I'm hoping it will be near shoulder-length withing a few months :)
