Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Two and A Half Years

At the beginning of August 2008 I went off my "disease modifying drug" to prepare my body to make a baby.

Two and a half years later I've got this to show for my efforts.

Last night I sucked it up and gave myself a shot for the first time since trying to conceive, being pregnant, giving birth to and becoming a mother to my sweet, sweet boy.

I'm a bit sore today(stupid "flu-like symptoms,") and The Boy is going through an awesome kicking whilst having his diaper changed and refusing to nap without "bop" phase, but all-in-all I'd have too say I'm pretty proud of us.

I hope everyone else is being at least moderately successful with their resolutions.

::The Not a Hipster Dictionary says that "bop" is Boy for nursing::


  1. He is SERiously adorable! I just want to shmoosh his little cheeks:)

    Hope those dreaded "flu-like symptoms" are gone ASAP!

  2. Thank you muchly! I'm inclined to agree with the cuteness and will take any good vibes I can get to ward off the aches and pains.
