Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Trip to the Tar Pits

The Boy had his first visit to the La Brea Tar Pits this past weekend. A field-trip staple while I was in school, the last time I had been there was when I was pregnant. So now that The Boy's 2 I figured it was time for him to meet a bunch of extinct creatures and experience the stench of the tar.

Yes there are actual pits of tar and they don't smell too good.

And here is The Boy contemplating his chances of pulling a weight out of some tar.

Our favorite parts of the day were witnessing a (fake) saber toothed tiger mauling a sloth - "Hi kitty," said The Boy, and a big lunch with some friends.


  1. Tar pits? Huh? I'm intrigued....

  2. Yes, the tar pits. Lots of dirt and grime and dead things. He loved it!

    And yes, calling a ginormous saber tooth tiger "kitty," like it was the same as our ferocious fur bucket, was too cute.
