Friday, September 30, 2011

It's Almost the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

One more before the weekend:

I love Fall! The days are shorter, you can eat pumpkin flavored everything with abandon, the leaves are changing color, and the air is cooler... a bit... in the morning. OK, so the temps still soar to 90 in the afternoon(leading me to question Hubs' decision to clothe The Boy in a long sleeve tee and heavy trousers this morning)...

But we're at least practicing for Fall. And the way The Boy practices is by pretending to rake leaves.

Yup, my kid has a thing for gardening. He gets all excited on the day the gardeners come by to mow the lawns and trim the hedges, he points out "gardening trucks" when we're out and about and he spent most of last Spring wearing my socks on his hands and saying they were gardening gloves.

He's so into gardening that my mom got him his own gardening tools for his birthday

And if you're wondering what he has to rake in our sparse plot of concrete, we have one of the few deciduous trees for miles(not really) right by our back gate so The Boy got 2 of his neighbor buddies to help him clean up on the weekend. OK, it was mostly Hubs, but the 3 wee boys helped.

Anyways, back to Fall. At least it's not so bleedin' hot any more that I can't imagine what it's like to want to bundle The Boy up in a hoodie over his long sleeves and drink a hot apple cider while he rakes up the leaves - however inexpertly.

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