Friday, September 30, 2011

It's the End of An Era

The high chair era, that is. After more than a year and a half of taking his meals in his "high chair," and I use quotes because it wasn't really a high chair but one of those strapped to a regular chair dealies, he has finally moved on to sitting in a booster seat. We started with a Minui HandiSitt - which has been mostly awesome - but, as his knees have been up by his chin and he's been able to release the latch for months, we have moved him to to a Prince Lionheart Soft Booster Seat.

The last few weeks have been lousy with milestones: turning the car seat around, getting The Boy's hair cut for the first time, converting the crib into a toddler bed and now seating The Boy in a booster instead of a high chair. Sniff... Next up his a foray into potty training.

I can't believe he's getting so big. Though his energy, vocabulary and temperament are definitely that of a 2 year old, I still look at his little baby face and think that he's, well, a baby. He's still got chubby baby hands and arms, baby soft hair and skin, and he still possesses that incredible baby smell. I can't believe that, despite all of that, that he's becoming more independent and more of an actual, individually defined person.


Anyway, happy weekend and happy October!

1 comment:

  1. Bittersweet times a million!!

    I don't think I ever mentioned, but his eyes? Amazing!
