Monday, October 17, 2011

Digging Deep

In an attempt to take blogging more seriously I'm going to follow Christina's lead by trying my hands at Monday Listicles, which originated from Northwest Mommy.

For my first official listical I've written about why I think I'll never be any good at this blogging thing

1. I have an anti-talent for all things computer related. Seriously. This post mentioned my uselessness when it comes to computers, all technology really, but it really didn't explain my continuing confusion about computers and the internet - having a cursory understanding of both being essential to blogging. At least I think so, but then I don't really know about computers or the internet.

2. I find it really hard to dig deep. Robyn spoke of just "taking it" in the post on her blog, and I often feel the same way about not wanting to vent, verbalize, make light of any problems I may be going through. When I was 13 or 14 and trying to get over the mess my parents' marriage had made of my head my beloved Dad told me, "no one likes a complainer." I took that to heart and this day find it easier to complain about the quality of my morning coffee than to express concern for the boy or ask for help re: my MS.

3. I can't figure out what my point of view is.

4. I have too few girlfriends and hence find communicating with women, either in real life or online, awkward.

5. Colloquialisms go over my head. I have no idea what to do with popular nomenclature either with regards to parenting, internetting or anything else that I might find myself writing about. Maybe it's because I'm old. Maybe it's because of my aforementioned awkwardness. I really don't know.

6. I'm an atrocious self-editor and cannot see typos or spelling and grammatical mistakes to save my life. I can edit other peoples work just fine, but I have a gigantic blind spot when it comes to anything I've written.

7. I'm an even more atrocious photographer than I am an editor.

8. I suck at self-promotion and blogging seems to involve, in my opinion anyway, a great deal of look-at-meism.

9. I don't do brevity. I'm either too long winded as to not make sense or too terse to be meaningful. I'd like to say what I mean and have it make sense, but I'm too many years out of grad school and my rhetoric muscles have gotten weak.

10. I have a 2 year old. 'Nuff said.

So here's a list of things I need to work on, kind of like a metaphor for life really. I'll try to work on these 10 things and have a less critical listical next time.


  1. hehe, i hope you do this again. it's a lot of fun once you get going...

  2. I think it'll be good to have routine. I mean, I have a routine, but it'll be good to have a blogging/writing routine.
