Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My Sweet Boy

Maybe it's because I'm feeling kind of loopy from the cold I caught off The Boy, or maybe it's because he seems to be growing even more quickly lately, but I feel like I don't write often enough about how sweet my sweet boy is... which is incredibly sweet.

He says "bless you" when you sneeze, loves hugs and kisses, giggles when he pets Cat, says "you're welcome" when he's done you a favor and (usually) loves putting his toys away or helping to tidy up. He offers hugs before parting ways with friends and squeaks a super cute "huggle" before offering a hug if he sees that I'm sad. He's a huge fan of saying, "Mama kiss it better" if he's hurt himself. He kisses his stuffed animals - and an extremely tolerant Cat. Possibly sweetest of all is that he asks "are you okay?" when he sees me struggling to walk. Man, this kid breaks my heart.

His new favorite thing to say is, "I'm getting big," with a huge smile on his face. And he is. He eats with a fork and spoon and often chooses to sit on his knees instead of his new booster seat. He pushes his car onto its side, puts his helmet on and makes vroom vroom noises saying "I'm riding my bike." He's also a fan of make believe - pretending to make me tea and sandwiches then asking if I'd like more. See, even more sweetness.

I just don't know what I did to deserve such a sweet boy. Even now, when he's covered in snot and snoring beside me, I cannot help but be in awe of his perfection.


  1. awwww he really is such a sweetie. i mean look at that face! :) and i adore that he takes care of you so much already!! :)

  2. Yeah, as much as I hate the fact that he's going to grow up worrying about me and looking out for me, I love that fact that he already seems to be have enough empathy to understand when I'm struggling.
