Monday, October 10, 2011

How We Spent Our Bank Holiday

With coffee and croissants in hand we headed to the park.

First we ate our croissants(Hubs and I drank coffee)

Then The Boy took one trip down the slide, decided he wasn't impressed and spent the rest of his time climbing the ladder

and walking across the wobbly bridge

So he still doesn't like the slide, the swings or kicking his soccer ball around but he luuuurrrrves climbing, running Hubs ragged and almost giving me heart attacks by lunging for the fireman's pole. Now I don't remember having a special love of slides when I was little, but I did really like swings. Don't all kids like swings? And slides for that matter? Is it just my kid being a monkey that makes him want to do nothing but climb and swing from things?

Whatever, he's earned his nap and Hubs and I have earned a break. I've got a cup of tea and a slice of pumpkin cake (from Pinterest!!!!) with my name on them.


  1. cute pics. :)
    Lovie didn't start "liking" the swings until just a couple months ago (but has rocked the slides since the first time she went on one)... and even today, she'll ask to swing but then is "all done" after MAYBE 10 pushes. weirdo. ;)
    have i ever mentioned how delectable the Boy's cheeks are?!? how do you not nom on them all day long? oh that's right- PUMPKIN CAKE! ;)

  2. I nom his cheeks quite a lot, actually. He digs it. He'll lean a cheek in a say, "Mama nom nom nom."

    And that cake is a million kinds of awesome.

  3. Little Man loves slides, swings, climbing (new liking) and running around outside. But he only swings on the baby swings and hasn't really wanted to try the regular ones.

    And I wish he'd try a croissant... don't get me started. I'm so envious of good eaters.

  4. Maybe he'll be a mountain climber? Could be fun! Ada loves the swing - like LOVES it. She could swing for hours non-stop if I let her. I think I have a repetitive use injury in my shoulders from pushing her so much!

  5. Robyn, A won't eat a croissant? They taste of nothing but butter(mmmmmmm). What's he have for breakfast/morning snacks?

    And yeah, I have contemplated him having a future in mountain climbing, rock climbing or something like that, Monica. He will climb anything, given have a chance.
