Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Walkie Wednesday

Let me preface this by saying that I swore up and down that The Boy would be taking his first steps by 10 months.

Though he wasn’t actually crawling, preferring to belly flop to get from Point A to Point B, he started cruising along furniture and pushing around his wagon when he was just over 8 months. So I kept saying, “mark my words, he’ll be walking within a few weeks.”

I was soon saying that he’d be walking by 12 months. Yup, he’d be ambulatory by his first birthday. And he did me proud be taking his first independent steps on Independence Day. Hooray!

But then he retreated back to the world of crawling, actual crawling(as opposed to belly flopping), but crawling nonetheless.

What a relief it was for my back when, seemingly out of nowhere, The Boy decided to start walking like it’s his job a week after his birthday! That was a month ago, and now that he’s walked on the beach and has a pair of walking shoes I gotta say I miss the cuteness of the crawl.

Ps. I’ve been trying to get my camera to upload some recent piccies and videos of walking cuteness, but am not having any luck. Hopefully Hubs can help me sort it out after work,


  1. Oh. I can't wait for the wobbly walking pics!! :)

  2. I can't wait to post them, but he's not so wobbly anymore :(
