Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Walkie Wednesday

Today is Walkie Wednesday, but I thought I’d also do a Boy word-check today.

Just shy of 14 months, my clever little love now says mama, dada, nana(banana), haaa(hi), daaaaa(bye), uhf(woof), baa(for what goats and sheep say), snort(for what picg say), ooh(for what monkeys say) and he can sign “eat.”

That’s nearly 10 words! Clever little lad.

Anyhoo, someday I’d like to take The Boy for a walk along the Seine, but we have to get to Paris first. In the meantime lunchtime walks with Hubs by our house and walks near the café with Grandpa will do quite nicely.

But when we do get to Paris, I think I’d like to start out by introducing him to Notre Dame, then by stopping off at Shakespeare and Co to get a book or two. We’d then round the corner and get a coffee(hot chocolate for he boy) at the café on Place St. Michel just like I did all those years ago, when I was so poor that I’d nurse a cappuccino for hours and write in my journal, because that’s all I could afford to do.

After pushing The Boy’s boredom threshold, we’d then continue traversing the quay along the Seine, me in my scooter and my boys walking beside me – rolling their eyes at my nostalgic rambling. We’d see the Louvre and Toilleries across the river and walk past Les Invalides and the Musee d’Orsay, before finally rounding a corner and being at the base of the Eiffel Tower.

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